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What duo had the better chemistry together? Austin/Angle or The Rock/Chris Jericho?

16 years ago by  
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Chris Rock
Shane101 asked:

In other words, what duo was funnier and entertained you more, but could always put on a great match.



8 Responses to “What duo had the better chemistry together? Austin/Angle or The Rock/Chris Jericho?”
  1. Carlito is Cool says:

    Rock/Chris Jericho

  2. sgt slaughter says:

    austin and triple h.

  3. Walter says:

    the rock and chris jericho they were just outragous hilarious compared to austin and angle

  4. KING says:


  5. Ken Q-pid says:

    If you are talking about Chemistry I would go for The Rock and Chris Jericho. Kurt Angle and “Stone Cold” Steve Austin could never have chemistry because Steve Austin always works alone and so does Kurt Angle. They both put so much pride on themselves. But if you are talking of who’s gonna beat who? I’d go for Austin and Angle both are very durable wrestlers.

  6. liam c says:

    Rock/Chris Jericho

    Because they’re friends in real life, and The Rock was the only one wrestler who would take a clean loss against Jericho. Triple H wouldn’t do it, HBK wouldn’t do it, But The Rock took the loss, so that Jericho could shake the mid card choker label.

  7. Darth Maul OS says:

    Individually Rock and Jericho were better but….
    Angle & Austin were MAGIC together
    “Jimmy crack corn and I don’t care I got olympic gold”
    Sheer comedic genius.
    Few things in wrestling have EVER made Me laugh harder.

  8. skysdalmts says:

    Austin and Angle.

    The rock and Jericho just plain tried to out do each other with cutting remarks. They bickered back and forth like they would a normal oppenent. Rock/Jericho just did what they did best…trash talked. BUT Austin and Angle on the other hand was different. They went out of their norm to entertain. Angle tried to genuinely get along with Austin but did it in such humorous and annoying ways that you can clearly see Austin was frustrated and THAT WAS FUNNY. Plus, when they were against each other, Austin/Angle gave a great match. They’re matches, rivalry (who can forget teh milk truck incident), and when they were on the same team…all of it was just great.

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