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I want to sue comedian Chris Rock for using racial slurs against whites?

16 years ago by  
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Chris Rock
evo741hpr3 asked:

Recently a black tow truck driver was awarded $7500 when he sued a Arkansas police officer for using the “N” word and violating his civil rights.

Just last night I turned on the t.v and comedian Chris Rock was saying… cracker this honkey that.
Can I sue him? I bet he has alot more money than the police officer in Arkansas.

Just wondering is they are also MY civil rights as a white man?
The tow truck driver was not under arrest, he came to pick up a car broke down on the road and he incited a argument with two officers.



10 Responses to “I want to sue comedian Chris Rock for using racial slurs against whites?”
  1. Wize Guy says:

    No you can’t sue him; you can only sue white people who talk bad about black people.

  2. steven c says:

    You would have to show how he hurt you and how it cost you money.

  3. halsca says:

    There’s a big difference between what a sworn peace officer can say on duty and what a stand up comic can say while on the stage.

    In the game of racial politics blacks get away with much more than whites do. If you say black power you’re cool if you say white power you’re a hate mongering Nazi.

    Even though black racism is just as bias and hate driven no politico has the stones to point it out.

  4. james b says:

    I was not offended I thought it was funny, I could have watched something else if I was offended.
    The cop deserved what he got.

  5. William B says:

    Yes, you can sue. It will cost a lot of money for the law suit. You probably cannot win. Just remember the US has freedom of speech. Chris Rock can say what he wants, you do not have to listen. The police office had to pay up because of malprision of office. He abused verbally a man he had in custody. This violates his Maranda rights and the police man’s authority.

  6. Jodie D says:

    Even Chris Rock has a right to free speech.

  7. Kitten S says:

    I think that’s a different matter. When dealing with Chris Rock, you are dealing with a freedom of speech issue. When dealing with a law enforcement official, you’re dealing with the individual’s rights to be treated fairly and justly under the law. We’re talking apples and oranges here.

  8. tjmarsh1015 says:

    Sure go ahead and sue i bet you will find a ton of lawyers ready to take your case. I mean you money. He has a right to free speech. You had the right to turn the channel too right. But you didn’t. That makes a tough case. The man could not leave he had to listen to what the pig said.

  9. NoahHope says:

    I have been told, anyone is allowed amendments and free speech to say whatever they want under “comedy”. Of course, you have to have special liscensing for that. I am sure he will make a joke up about this too — haha

  10. Jim E says:

    Your white male, and I’m a white male. WE HAVE NO RIGHTS. Shit there even taking our women now.

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