May 18, 2024 | Log in |

Would Charlie Murphy be just as qualified for president?

16 years ago by  
Filed under Uncategorized

charlie murphy
Apple asked:

as Barack Obama since his nickname is “Darkness”? Since obviously thats the only qualification needed to be president these days. Obama has no qualifications except for his shiny words and his black skin. If you disagree with me, please explain a policy that you like of Obama’s and how it differs from McCains stance.

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11 Responses to “Would Charlie Murphy be just as qualified for president?”
  1. Bill O'Reilly 2012 says:

    I am Rick James….bit……

    There are no democrats
    only Republicans in denial

  2. The Lotus says:

    ur racist, you could have compared David Spade and Obama or Dane cook and Obama, but no you have to compare to black people. Fool

  3. You Make Me Sick! says:

    your argument doesn’t make any sense to me.

  4. tommy d says:

    he would be the funniest!

  5. CAT ^ says:

    I agree with you. Mickey Mouse is more qualified than Obama.

  6. maccrew6 says:

    Hell Eddie Murphy would be more qualified..

  7. D. M. says:

    I agree with the CAT!

  8. The Bride Beatrice says:

    Um, income-proportionate taxes for one (McCain apparently thinks money grows on trees and only says he won’t raise taxes…so how will we get through this deficit??). Scaling back of world nukes for another (McCain has no similar long-term plans). I could go on but do you honestly think this is about race AT ALL? Duh, it’s about CHANGING THE STATUS QUO.

  9. Yo Yo Mama says:

    Have you graduated harvard Law? were you the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review? Were you a Consitutional Law professor at arguably th efinest law school in the nation, Univ. of Chicago Law? you been a state senator? Yo Been elected to the U.S. Senate and run a campaign so effective you beat out all the party veterans for the nomination?

    Here’s my thing. I’m guessing your biggest accomplishment so far doesn’t match his least. He’s overcome enormous odds to get where he is. So you can mock him all you want. as for wasting my time going through his policies, your question shows clearly you haven’t bothered to acquaint yourself with any of them, so trying to educate you is a waste of time and effort, and Obama will be president anyway.

  10. Bon Bon says:

    I would rather vote for Aunt Esther of Sanford and Son

  11. Taylor M says:


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