May 18, 2024 | Log in |

a quote from a movie or something?

15 years ago by  
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charlie murphy
Purplegurl asked:

ok so this is a really stupid question that may not make sense at all 😛

but yeah i’m guna ask it anyways lol

there’s this quote that has been in my head for DAYS!! it’s been bugging me so much!

idk what or who says it but at one part of the movie or show some guy goes “charlie murphy, charlie murphy charlie murphy.” like really fast ;/
yeah i prolly sound like a nut case but i was just wondering if any knows what movie or show that’s from and who says it?

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2 Responses to “a quote from a movie or something?”
  1. Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble says:

    Here’s a better quote:

    “It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again.”

  2. morpheus8250 says:

    Charlie Murphy is Eddie Murphy’s brother and a comedian in his own right.

    The following quote is from someone’s livejournal, link below, who saw him on stage:

    Was Charlie Murphy funny? Hell yeah. It took him about 15 minutes, but after one particular joke, he starts walking back and forth across the stage and muttering, “Charlie Murphy, Charlie Murphy…CHARLIE MURPHY!”

    “People always ask if I’m sick of hearing my name called. And no- aside from the fact it’s never whispered. I ran into this little ninety-five year old woman, and she looked at me, recognized me and said, ‘I know you! You’re darkie!'”

    “But yeah, I don’t hate CHARLIE MURPHY. I love it. For 17 year years I was “Eddie Murphy’s brother,” so f*ck yeah I love CHARLIE MURPHY. About time you f*ckers got my name right.”

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